'Lecythophora mutabilis (nan Beyma) W. Gams & McGinnis' details

Name Lecythophora mutabilis (nan Beyma) W. Gams & McGinnis
Synonyms Phialophora mutabilis
Category filamentöse Pilze
BAM number 18
Strain EMPA 573, S24 E
Number of other culture collection DSM 10716
GMO no
Risk group 1
Nutrient media M 189 (Oat Flake Medium), 25°C
Note History: <-EMPA St. Gallen, 573<-BAM Berlin<-T.Nilsson Uppsala, S24 E; Geographic origin: Sweden
Standard DIN V ENV 807:2001-12
Webshop Items Webshop Item 1
Delivery date 2006-07-26
Date of storage 2021-09-13
Applikationsversion: 1.16-SNAPSHOT.20230525115022-b5250028f4bbb1466ad8e9cabd475b72e04a88a1