'Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis (Castellani and Chalmers 1919) Austin et al. 1981' details

Name Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis (Castellani and Chalmers 1919) Austin et al. 1981
Category Bacteria
BAM number 604
Strain LRA 410282
Number of other culture collection ATCC 35655
DSM 6174
GMO no
Risk group 2
Nutrient media M 1 (Nutrient Agar), 30°C
M 693 , 30°C
Note <- ATCC <- D. Androphy, LRA 410282 <- API SA. country of origin unknown; sampling date: before 10.10.1990. Preservation (3363). API 20 NE, quality control strain (434)
Standard DE-UZ 102 "Emissionsarme Innenwandfarbe"
RAL-UZ 12a:2010
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Delivery date 2013-05-31
Date of storage 2022-01-05
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